Tuesday, February 23, 2010

PA Officer Fights for Her Life - Wins Battle

Officer Janine Triolo of the Pittsburgh Police Department had just placed one handcuff on Ryan Davis, a suspect in an armed robbery, when the fight for her life began.  Davis began to resist arrest and beat the officer's face and then shoved a Ruger double-action pistol into her armpit.  The gun jammed.  He then reached for Officer Triolo's gun.  She unholstered it first and fired.  Davis died at the scene.  Officer Triolo suffered a broken eye socket, fratured nose and left hand, as well as a concussion and detached retine. 

Officer Triolo graduated from the same police academy as Officer Paul J. Sciullo II, who was killed with two other officers on April 4, 2009 as they responded to a domestic disturbance.

Read the complete story at this link: