Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Recent Promotions

If you have not already heard, your former Region I Coordinator, Debbie Friedl, has been named IAWP Executive Director. I don't need to tell you about all the time and effort Debbie has put into IAWP over these past years. She is an intelligent, talented and gracious woman who has worked her way up the ladder to become Deputy Chief of the Lowell Police Department. She will use those attributes to help lead IAWP towards the future and will respresent IAWP well.Congratualtions Debbie!

I am pleased to pass on the news of Linda McCaul's recent promotion from Captain to Deputy Chief of the Harvard University Police Department. Linda has worked throughout her career to assist the women she works with to excel and move ahead. In the past six years she has worked with the Massachusetts Association of Women in Law Enforcement in the beginning stages of the formation of the organization and has hosted their annual conference at Harvard University. As she has been promoted over the years, she has not forgotten to turn around and put out a hand to help those climbing up behind her. Congratulations Linda!